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Tari Steward Proudly Presents

The Original Authentic I.A.M. Million Dollar Bill


photo_sm.jpgSince the beginning of the I.A.M. Million Dollar Bill (M$B) idea, back in March of 1987, many people have contributed to the overall creation of the amazing story behind this internationally famous and extremely popular product. But, for the past 27 years, one man has been personally and actively involved (on a full time basis) in every aspect of the Idea Development, Design, Legal Research, Acquiring Funding, Negotiations with Bank Note Printers, Bank Note Quality Printing, Busiiness Development, Promotion, Marketing and Continual Sales of the M$Bs and the Limited Edition M$B Uncut Sheets.

His name is Tari Steward, and with his unusual but highly successful 14 year background as a Professional Artist and Direct Marketing Entrepreneur, in 1987 while living in Hawaii where he grew up, he had a chance meeting with a total stranger who came up with the original M$B idea.  Tari then joined forces with with this man, entered into a business relationship and became a friend/partner for the next 3 years. In April of 1987, Tari (as he is known professionally) founded the International Association of Millionaires (I.A.M.) with the M$B being the Official Certificate of Wealth for this unique, exciting and powerful global group.

Tari wanted the M$B to be a Work of Art created with the highest quality and most sophisticated Currency Grade Standards available, so the I.A.M. commissioned the American Bank Note Company (ABNC) to design and print the M$B, with Tari as the Chief Artist/Designer.

The ABNC had over 200 years of experience in designing and printing the highest quality Currencies, Stocks, Bonds and other Certificates of Value for thousands of companies and the national governments of virtually every country around the world. Among the handful of banknote printers in the world, the ABNC always had been recognized as the very best in its field, and was an elite well respected member of the "Brotherhood of Money".

The I.A.M. Million Dollar Bill is now internationally famous for being the Original, First and Only Million Dollar Bill ever printed in the USA by an actual Bank Note Printer. The I.A.M. Million Dollar Bill is not real US Currency and is Non Negotiable. But, as the Official Certificate of Wealth for the I.A.M., it is a Finely Detailed Limited Edition Original Work of "Financial Art" and an "Authentic" Limited Edition Collectible of the Highest Quality, unlike anything the world of "Art" had ever experienced or seen before.

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Introduction    Exciting Details    Price & Ordering
I.A.M. Million Dollar Bill    Story Behind It    What is the I.A.M.?    

Contact us via email: sales@I-A-M.ws

COPYRIGHT © 1994 - 2015. All Rights Reserved. This site was created by Millionaire Marketing International (MMI). The MMI logo, the "International Association of Millionaires" name and logo as well as the "Million Dollar Bill" logo are registered trademarks. None of the information or images contained in this site may be reproduced in any form without written consent from Millionaire Marketing Intl. This includes the copyrighted image of the Million Dollar Bill itself and the Million Dollar Bill Uncut Sheet. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Millionaire Marketing International
2602 South 38th Street - #108 - Tacoma - WA - 98409 - USA
  Phone: 727-437-2148        Email:  sales@I-A-M.ws